Minggu, 29 April 2012


Why does not milk the risk that most acid, and calcium is not absorbed by the body. Our body works on the acid-base balance are very specific, with our blood is slightly alkaline to 7,365 lives. When we eat acidic foods such as milk, meat, processing, coffee, alcohol or soft drinks that calcium in the bones to protect vital organs and keep our bodies alkaline state. Of course, that makes bones fragile and brittle from lack of calcium and other essential minerals. Calcium is a mineral alkaline chance.
Thus, a natural treatment for osteoporosis is to think of foods rich in minerals and drinks. Think of fruits and vegetables with the most basic in green vegetables, broccoli, avocados, nuts and almonds, a family of Officer rich in calcium and alkalizing and families are the seeds, sesame seeds is the richer in calcium and sesame tahini make widespread. Lemon in water for a refreshing drinks alkalizing done well, and while the lemon is citric acid, it establishes a base, when mixed with saliva.
As I said earlier, is the natural treatment of osteoporosis, a good diet and lifestyle section lifestyle, is to remove all the stress of everyday life, because stress causes the acid in the body. To promote breathing exercises, meditation and soothing environment, healing with all your mind and body.
Under the exercise is also important for bone density and strength. Few people know that if we train our muscles to form and strengthen our bones. One of the main reasons why many more women suffer from osteoporosis than men because fewer women show the burden of training. It’s easy. This does not mean you stat charge pump in the gym, etc. but gardening, hiking or yoga are enjoyable hobby that can save your life and a natural treatment for osteoporosis.

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