Kamis, 24 Mei 2012


For Planning rafting trip it’s a very good idea for you to contact licensed agency. You can find this agency near most of the major rivers, which can provide you for trained guides and planned routes for rafting track. Many of these agencies also offer courses for beginners rafting. This service is very good for rafting beginners.
The Level of difficulty is based for White water rapid. Also; Water speed, the amount of stones currents and other factors that affect the valuation of the river. The rivers that were the easiest to navigate are Class I. The Class VI Rivers are highly not recommended and dangerous. The equipment is increasingly sophisticated, many rivers have begun earlier classes IV increase to class V, and experienced rafters will be defined in order to navigate safely. Rafting is a sport that is fun and challenging. A whitewater rafting vacation is ideal for people who love challenges and adventure travel.